(con)textos sorgeix de la iniciativa de doctorands d’antropologia social i cultural vinculats a
Es pretén publicar textos d’anàlisi etnogràfica i/o de reflexió teòrica, així com ressenyes de publicacions, tesis i tesines de l’àmbit de l’antropologia social, i reflexions derivades de l’experiència etnogràfica. També s’acullen treballs procedents d’altres ciències socials i humanes que s’emparentin amb l’antropologia, ja sigui adoptant-ne plantejaments teòrics o prenent enfocaments etnogràfics.
(con)textos surge por iniciativa de doctorandos y doctorandas de antropología social y cultural vinculados a
Se pretende publicar textos de análisis etnográfico y/o de reflexión teórica, así como reseñas de publicaciones, tesis y tesinas del ámbito de la antropología social, y reflexiones derivadas de la experiencia etnográfica. También se acogen trabajos procedentes de otras ciencias sociales y humanas que se acerquen a la antropología, ya sea tomando sus planteamientos teóricos o adoptando enfoques etnográficos.
(con)textos arises from an initiative of some PhD students in Social Anthropology at the Universitat de Barcelona. The journal originates with the main purpose of making known the researches that are being carried out during the doctoral period, as well as setting up a space for debate and training within the field of Social Anthropology. Thus the spread and discussion of recent and current researches is made a priority, seeking a fluid exchange of theoretical and practical experiences.
The aim of the magazine is the publication of papers on ethnographic analysis and/or theoretical reflection, as well as reviews of publications, theses and dissertations from the field of Social Anthropology, as well as considerations on ethnographic experiences. Papers coming from other social and human sciences are also welcomed, as long as they are related to Anthropology either by assuming any of its theoretical conceptions or by taking an ethnographic approach.
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